
APM Terminals aims to reduce emissions at GTI with new Siemens partnership

The new partnership between APM Terminals and Siemens Limited, India, could see a potential carbon emission of reduction of 30-40% at Gateway Terminals India (GTI).

Being one of the busiest terminals in India, in 2020 the gateway consumed 5.8 million liters of diesel and 25 Giga Watt hours of electricity, totaling 66,847 tonnes of fuel-based CO2 and 84,429 tonnes of CO2 from generation of purchased electricity.

To reduce these carbon emissions, GTI engaged Siemens for a pilot project establishing the baseline of its energy consumption and implementing possible energy optimisation measures.

“As a major logistics player in India, we are conscious of our carbon footprint, but also of our responsibility for finding all possible ways of reducing them,” said Girish Aggarwal, Chief Operating Officer at APM Terminals Mumbai (GTI).

“The partnership with Siemens allows us to successfully address this issue not only at GTI, but also convert it into a scalable solution for implementation in other terminals.”

The agreement between both companies also allows the terminal to utilise Siemens’ digital platform solution, digital architecture, cyber security, and data requirements.

Robert H K Demann, Head of Smart Infrastructure at Siemens Limited, added “Siemens is delighted to partner with GTI on this project. Our aim is to empower our customers in their digital transformation and achieving their sustainability goals.

“Siemens’ technologies will contribute to GTI achieving their targets of decarbonisation, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and energy efficiency.”

One method the terminal has previously used to optimise its efficiency is by implementing Navis’ N4 product. Initially reported in May 2021, the new system allows for better visibility, data exchange and advanced global monitoring. In turn by maximising efficiency, the terminal will reduce its carbon footprint.

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